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From the Streets to the Commissioner’s Chair

Monday, May 22, 2023

A number of 1998 student activists now enjoy new positions as commissioners of state-owned companies. It is a reward for supporters of Joko Widodo.

arsip tempo : 172206858958.

Sarbini, former Chair of the Student Senate of 17 Agustus 1945 University and 1998 activist, in Jakarta, 2018. Tempo/Ratih Purnama . tempo : 172206858958.

SARBINI now has two roles: food stall owner and commissioner in a state-owned company. The former 1998 student activist opened a food stall named Kantin Nusantara in the front yard of his house in the Setiabudi Area, South Jakarta, just behind the Sopo Del Tower 2020. He has also been a commissioner of HK Infrastruktur, a subsidiary of Hutama Karya, since 2020. “I never asked for that position,” he said to Tempo on Friday, May 19.



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