Worship Needs Water

The Annuqayah Islamic Boarding School in Guluk-Guluk, Sumenep, consistently cares for the environment. Apart from having a conservation park, they also utilize clean energy and oppose phosphate mining.

Erwan Hermawan

April 28, 2022

COOL breeze blew over the Assalam conservation park, in the Annuqayah Pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) in Guluk-guluk village, Sumenep, East Java. The harsh mid-day sunlight was filtered by the canopy of various trees in the 15-hectare park in Prancak village. Both villages are separated by around 30 kilometers. Assalam is the acronym for Annuqayah Sahabat Alam (Annuqayah Friends of Nature).

Assalam is more than 40 years old. It is situa


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