Former Head of the Health Crisis Center, Health Ministry, Budi Sylvana: I Was Considered as the Troublemaker

Personal protective equipment corruption suspect, Budi Sylvana, denied inflicting up to Rp300 billion of losses to the state. He revealed the roles of other officials in the case.

Fajar Pebrianto

August 5, 2024

FORMER Head of the Health Crisis Center at the Ministry of Health, Budi Sylvana, has a long track record in managing the Covid-19 pandemic. He was a member of the team sent by the Health Ministry to oversee the repatriation of 238 Indonesian citizens from the epicenter of the virus outbreak in Wuhan, China, during the global pandemic in 2020. He also monitored their condition on Natuna Island, Riau Islands, before they were allowed to return


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