
Gunung Padang in Campaka village, Cianjur Regency, West Java, November 2018. 
ANTARA/Nurul Ramadhan
A prototype of house with wall panels made from disposable baby diaper waste mixed with plasticizer in Padasuka, Cimenyan, Bandung Regency, West Java, December 19. 
TEMPO/Prima Mulia
The entrance to the Upper Cisokan Hydropower Plant (PLTA) project in Rongga subdistrict, West Bandung Regency, West Java, January 31, 2017. Having completed the access road project, the construction of the Cisokan PLTA, which will the first power plant in Indonesia to use the pumped storage technology, is expected for completion by 2026. 
TEMPO/Prima Mulia/File Photo
A dance troupe performs Tari Merak (Peacock Dance) at the Gedung Sate, Bandung, West Java, September 18. Directed by Sundanese dance maestro Irawati Durban, the so-called Merak Sadunya performance involved around 1,000 dancers, some participating online, to commemorate the International Day of Peace.
TEMPO/Prima Mulia

Promoting Tari Merak

Dancer and senior choreographer Irawati Durban with some 50 of her students and thousands of other dancers appeared in a colossal performance of the Merak Dance. Part of a campaign to promote the dance as intangible cultural heritage to UNESCO.

Arts Edisi : Monday, September 26, 2022

 Rancage 2022 Literary Awards Ceremony held online and relayed on the “Merajut Indonesia” Youtube channel. Youtube/Merajut Indonesia
Pyroclastic flows from the crater of Mount Semeru seen from Supiturang village, Lumajang, East Java, December 10.
ANTARA FOTO/Ari Bowo Sucipto

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