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Alumnus Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe, Tuban, Jawa Timur. Bergabung dengan Tempo sejak 2015 dan sehari-hari bekerja di Desk Nasional Koran Tempo. Ia banyak terlibat dalam penelitian dan peliputan yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi-politik di bidang sumber daya alam serta isu-isu kemanusiaan.


Coastal erosion along the shores of Karimun Besar Island, Karimun Regency, Riau Islands, March 24.
TEMPO/Yogi Eka Sahputra
An aerial view captures the reclamation of Karimun Besar Island, Karimun Regency, Riau Islands, March 24.
TEMPO/Yogi Eka Sahputra
Tempo journalist enters a cleared plot of land in Wanam village, Ilwayab district, South Papua, September 1, 2024. TEMPO/George William Piri

Competing Food Estates in Merauke

Two food estate projects are simultaneously being launched, targeting 2.29 million hectares of forest and land in Merauke. There are intrigues involving Prabowo and Jokowi. This report is part of a collaborative coverage and research initiative by Tempo, the Pusaka Bentala Rakyat Foundation, and Trend Asia.

Cover Story Edisi : Monday, September 23, 2024

Tempo journalist visits the cleared land operated by Global Papua Abadi in Tanah Miring district, Merauke, South Papua, September 4, 2024. TEMPO/ George William Piri
President Joko Widodo inspects a sugarcane plantation belongs to Global Papua Abadi in Merauke.
The KN Gajah Laut 404, commanded by Lt. Col. Agus Tri Haryanto, successfully conducted an inspection of the MV Lakas, suspected of carrying illegal goods, in the waters of Gorontalo, August 16.
A nickel processing plant (smelter) at the Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park (IWIP) in Lelilef village, Central Halmahera Regency, North Maluku, July 7.
ANTARA/Andri Saputra
A university student plants mangrove trees on the coast of Tolitoli village, Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi, September 4, 2021.
President Joko Widodo performs the inaugural planting of sugarcane at Global Papua Abadi, Sermayam village, Merauke Regency, South Papua, July 23.
BPMI Setpres/Muchlis Jr
Clouds of dust billowing from the stone mining sites of Arkan Bara Mandiri and Sirtu Karya Utama, May 16. 
Minnie Rivai/Givfent
A fisherman picks up fish caught in a net on the banks of the Sagea River, which is polluted due to mining activities in Sagea village, Central Halmahera Regency, North Maluku, August 31, 2023.
ANTARA/Andri Saputra
Illustration of Ransomware attack by Shutterstock
The Katingan Mentaya Forest Project, an ecosystem restoration initiative by Rimba Makmur Utama.
Rimba Makmur Utama Doc.
Rimba Raya’s seedling nursery submerged in floodwaters, left untended after the revocation of its permit by the Environment and Forestry Ministry, in Muara Dua village, Seruyan Hilir, Central Kalimantan, May 6.
TEMPO/Budi Baskoro
General view of mangrove area at Balikpapan Bay, one of the nearby areas of Nusantara Capital City, in East Kalimantan, March 7, 2023.
REUTERS/Willy Kurniawan
Yellow-crested cockatoos that were smuggled on March 20, confiscated by the South Sulawesi Natural Resources Conservation Center.
TEMPO/Didit Hariyadi
A sago factory owned by National Sago Prima, May 8.
TEMPO/Richaldo Hariandja
Rasio Ridho Sani, Director-General of Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, in East Lampung, January 18.
ANTARA/Ruth Intan Sozometa Kanafi
Ravaging fire in Kepau Baru village, Meranti Islands, 2014.
Riau Walhi Doc.
The area affected by ‘cold lava’ (a mixture of volcanic material and rocks that flow down a volcano’s slopes in the rain) floods in Limo Kaum, Tanah Datar, West Sumatra, May 12. Based on preliminary data from the West Sumatra Provincial Disaster Mitigation Agency on May 18, the total number of casualties due to flash floods and landslides in five regions in the province has reached 61 people, including five people who have not been identified, while 14 more people are still missing.
ANTARA/Adi Prima

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