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Give and Take for Kaesang Pangarep
Weak Conservation in Rhino Habitats
Transparency in the Selection of Supreme Court Justices
The Pope and the Irony of our Leaders
A student is taken to an ambulance after the police fired tear gas on Jalan Pemuda, Semarang, Central Java, August 26.
TEMPO/Budi Purwanto
Police Brutality against Demonstrators
Dirty Practices in Choosing BPK Members
The General’s Role in Tin Corruption
Returning Politics to the People
Hope in Prabowo’s 2025 State Budget
The Inevitable Transition to Nuclear Energy
The Last Dance from Jokowi
Jokowi’s Illusion, Prabowo’s Burden
The Meaning of M.H. Thamrin’s Resistance
Bocor Alus Politik team receives the Udin Award 2024.
Limiting the Excessive Sugar, Salt and Fat
Paying Off Our Mangrove

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