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The Hacking of the National Data Center

Monday, July 1, 2024

The hacking of the Temporary National Data Center revealed a number of issues. From vulnerable security systems, non-sterile networks, to personnel negligence. Data recovery encountered problems because the government did not have a data backup of the hacked digital files.

arsip tempo : 172012510280.

Illustration by TEMPO/Munzir Fadly. tempo : 172012510280.

THE first message from the hacker stated that Temporary National Data Center (PDN) 2 located in Surabaya, East Java, had been hacked. If they wanted it restored, according to the hackers, data center managers would need their assistance. The hacker group calling itself LockBit 3.0 guaranteed that the system could be restored in four to six hours.

To ensure a successful recovery, the hackers set three conditions. One of them was not to report the


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Francisca Christy Rosana and Aisyah Amira Wakang contributed to this article.

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