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Waiting for a Safe Home

Monday, January 30, 2023

After well over a decade as refugees, hundreds of members of the Jemaat Ahmadiyah Indonesia in Lombok have still not returned home. They are waiting for the government to do something.

arsip tempo : 172204783358.

Muhammad Khataman Nabiyyin (right) bids farewell to his father Syahidin as he leaves for State Junior High School (SMP) 16 Mataram, November 26, 2022. They live at the Transito Dormitory in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara. TEMPO/Purwani Diyah Prabandari . tempo : 172204783358.

IT was not yet 6am. Senah could be seen sitting inside the house, the front door slightly ajar. She was close to the television screen in a cramped room that also became her bedroom with her husband, Syahidin, at night. “Waalaikumsalam (peace be unto you),” said the 48-year-old woman, welcoming Tempo on Saturday, November 26. 

Her eldest son, Muhammad Khataman Nabiyin, came carrying a towel. “I will take a bath,” sai


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