Justice for Novia
Monday, May 9, 2022
The Mojokerto District Court in East Java gave a lighter sentence to Randy Bagus Hari Sasongko than demanded by the prosecutors. He was only indicted under an article on abortion, not on sexual violence, which he committed against Novia Widyasari Rahayu.
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DRESSED in a long-sleeved white shirt, black pants, and a fez cap, Randy Bagus Hari Sasongko talked in a hoarse voice, retelling the time he first met Novia Widyasari Rahayu, 23. The former officer of the Pasuruan District Police Department in East Java was on trial for the Novia abortion case at the Mojokerto District Court.
The two met at a music concert at the Rampal Square in Malang, on October 30, 2019. Randy, 21, asked Novia to exchan
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