Scientists all over the globe have been working to develop Covid-19 vaccines since the pandemic broke out. Indonesia joined the fight by producing the Merah Putih (Red and White) vaccine. In the field, the country’s vaccination program has been equally frenzied. Racing against time and new Covid-19 variants, vaccination has not only relied on health workers. Regional governments, the police and the military, as well as ordinary citizens were mobilized to reach those in remote areas.
Religious Affairs Minister Yaqut Cholil Qoumas explains to Tempo the initiatives his ministry has taken with regard to rampant sexual violence in pesantrens (Islamic boarding schools), resumption of umrah (minor pilgrimage) and haj pilgrimages, as well as the formulation of presidential regulation on houses of worship.
CHRISTMAS Eve Mass at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Medan, North Sumatra, on Friday, December 24. The mass that promoted the theme “A Birth That Brings Peace” was conducted by implementing health protocols with attendance 50 percent of the church capacity. ANTARA FOTO/Fransisco Carolio
This year, Indonesia and India mark 75 years of diplomatic relations. However, the ties between the two nations have existed much longer, predating the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia and the Republic of India. These connections span social, cultural, religious, economic, and trade aspects. But do those close ties of the past have any bearing on the present relationship? Why is there no direct flight between the capitals of the two countries?
Indian Ambassador to Indonesia and Timor-Leste, Sandeep Chakravorty, shares his views on this matter at TEMPO TALKS.
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