
Puspo Agro Apartment has turned into a shelter for Sampang residents following their eviction because of their adherence to Shia, which is considered a heretical sect of Islam, November 22, 2022. 
TEMPO/Purwani Diyah Prabandari
Children at the Transito Dormitory in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, November 27, 2022. 
TEMPO/Purwani Diyah Prabandari‬
Muhammad Khataman Nabiyyin (right) bids farewell to his father Syahidin as he leaves for State Junior High School (SMP) 16 Mataram, November 26, 2022. They live at the Transito Dormitory in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara.
TEMPO/Purwani Diyah Prabandari
Mangrove planted by coastal residents of the Yensawai Barat village at Bantata Island, Raja Ampat, West Papua, on March 25, 2022. TEMPO/Purwani Diyah Prabandari
Sabra Ibrahim Noordeen
A women’s group in Tompe village, Donggala, South Sulawesi, forms a Joint Business Group to recover their daily life after the region was hit by the earthquake and tsunami in 2018.
TEMPO/Purwani Diyah Prabandari
Dogfruit dish to entertain guests during the International Women’s Day in March./TEMPO/Purwani Diyah Prabandari
Seliwati harvesting jengkol at her plantation in Uraso, North Luwu, South Sulawesi, last March./TEMPO/Purwani Diyah Prabandari
Naufal Anfal Mly Milenial members reciting Lontar Yusup at the Osing Cultural House in Kemiren village, Banyuwangi, last November./Tempo/Purwani Diyah Prabandari
Human Rights Festival banner in Jember, East Java, where hundreds of representatives from regencies/cities in Indonesia, as well as envoys from 30 countries, come to participate in the event held on November 19-21./Komnas HAM
The wodoen huts in the Sungai Kura Elementary School in Benua Kencana village, Sintang Regency, West Kalimantan. TEMPO/Purwani Diyah Prabanda
Ahn-Kim Jeong-ae (left) from the Women Making Peace and Christine Ahn (right) from the Women Cross DMZ in the Pyeongchang Global Peace Forum 2019.
Viilagers’re attending the inauguration of Boru Kedang’s Bumdes Tana Bojang as a subsidized fertilizer distributor. -TEMPO/Purwani Diyah Prabandari

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