Stefanus Pramono joined Tempo in November 2005 and manages the law and politics desk as an editor. The IISIP Jakarta alumni covered the Syrian war and international news investigations such as human trafficking and the Panama Papers. Pramono's accolades include the Kate Webb Prize 2013 for journalists in conflict zones, and the 2016 and 2019 Adinegoro Awards.

The Bitter End of Kanjuruhan
The judge of the Surabaya District Court acquits police officers in the case of the Kanjuruhan tragedy.
National Edisi : Monday, March 27, 2023

Breathing Down Bjorka’s Neck
Contrary to the government’s previous statement that the hacker has been busted, Bjorka in fact remains at large.
National Edisi : Monday, September 19, 2022

Inconsistencies in PCR Testing Regulations
Summary of this week’s news.
News Capsule Edisi : Monday, November 8, 2021

A Witness in Two Corruption Cases
In his almost nine years as a DPR member, Ganjar Pranowo testified in two corruption cases. The 2024 presidential election is creating heat within the PDI-P.
Cover Story Edisi : Monday, October 25, 2021

The Generals’ Wealth
TNI commander candidates, Andika Perkasa and Yudo Margono, have a lustrous career. Both also have massive wealth.
Cover Story Edisi : Monday, September 20, 2021

Fire in the Chandiri Block
A fire at Tangerang Prison exposes a number of issues. There are indications that guards were not present at the site of the incident.
National Edisi : Monday, September 13, 2021

Booster Vaccines for the Wrong People
A number of officials have been given a third Covid-19 vaccine. This is a result of the inability of the health ministry to sort out the vaccine disarray.
Opinion Edisi : Monday, September 6, 2021

I Did Not Push for Paid Vaccines
A Tempo special interview with State-Owned Enterprises Minister Erick Thohir regarding the flack surrounding paid vaccination.
Cover Story Edisi : Monday, July 19, 2021

Many Issues Cornering the Nanggala
Tempo’s interview with Assistant for Planning and Budgeting to Indonesian Military’s Navy Chief of Staff, Navy Rear Admiral Muhammad Ali.
Cover Story Edisi : Monday, May 3, 2021

AstraZeneca Vaccine Does not Contain Porcine Material
The fatwa (edict) commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) declared the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine haram (forbidden by Islamic law) because it used trypsin enzyme from pigs in its viral multiplication process. The fatwa runs counter to the drug monitoring agency (BPOM)’s ruling that the enzyme is already broken up thus no longer present in the vaccine making process. Penny Kusumastuti Lukito, Chair of BPOM, considers the end product to be free of porcine material. Given the limited supply of halal (permissible by Islamic law)-certified vaccine Sinovac, the government has no choice but to turn to other vaccines including AstraZeneca.
Interview Edisi : Monday, March 22, 2021

Pelni Hospital’s Flyer Mishap
Pelni Hospital issued flyers with information on Covid-19 vaccine prices and registration for vaccination. State-owned enterprises ministry officials were infuriated.
Cover Story Edisi : Monday, February 22, 2021

The Palace Takes Down Petamburan
The plan to ban the Islam Defenders Front (FPI) emerged after Rizieq Shihab’s return from Saudi Arabia. President Joko Widodo is said to be the one who wanted the organization disbanded. Jokowi received input from businesses to improve the investment climate. FPI’s political power is considered as weakening.
Cover Story Edisi : Monday, January 11, 2021

Back to School?
A number of schools are ready to resume in-class learning this month, but they still need regional government authorization.
National Edisi : Monday, January 4, 2021

Worship Without Touching
Some religious leaders are preparing worship protocol. The number of congregants will be limited.
Cover Story Edisi : Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Mulling Over State Guidelines
The increase of leaders of the MPR is suspected to pave the way for the amendments of the constitution. Reviving a five-year plan scheme smacks of reviving the existence of State Guidelines, while changing the constitution could very well spread to other articles.
National Edisi : Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Smaller Crowds at the End of the Plenary
The government and the police employed various methods to prevent student demonstrations in several cities. Students were given the threat of not being granted police clearance letter.
Cover Story Edisi : Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Love and Tear Gas
Student protesters rejected the agenda to oust President Jokowi. During demonstrations, they created a human barricade to protect against provocateurs.
Cover Story Edisi : Tuesday, October 1, 2019

A Rerun of the Forest Fires
Forest fires ravage Indonesia’s regions yet again. The environment and forestry ministry has sealed the properties of 52 companies affected by the fires, some of which were implicated in the major forest fires in 2015. The fires are partly due to wanting peatland restoration efforts. Although warned about the potential for fires since February, the government was late in anticipating the disaster.
Cover Story Edisi : Monday, September 23, 2019

Constitution amendment plan
The PDI-P pushes for the amendment of the 1945 Constitution, creating holes to change major clauses including a president’s term in office.